To accommodate increasing traffic flows, the structure of the existing bridge (built in the 1970s) needed to be strengthened.
The centre of the steel vehicular traffic bridge with its new 162-metre span was bolstered with a second girder, welded to the existing deck girder at right angles and attached to both shores by a separate system of cable stays. The new construction lifts the bridge up which makes it possible for larger freight ships to pass under it.
The pylons of the bridge are set almost square to the waterway and lean diagonally across the bridge. This new addition and the original bridge fit together imperceptibly. The pylons are assembled from standardized elements that taper rhythmically all the way up. They contain lighting to illuminate their part of the road deck at night. Cyclists cross the water via a new, separate bike path on the northern side of the bridge.
In 2009, the bridge won the Concrete Award for its use of prefabricated concrete elements for the pylons.