‘The Loop’ was shortlisted for the Urban Confluence Sillicon Valley design competition.

A Landmark for San José
The San Jose Light Tower Corporation (SJLTC) wants to create an iconic landmark for Silicon Valley, to be an impressive and recognizable symbolic structure for the unique Silicon Valley region that is recognized as the center of innovation. The project design will come from “Urban Confluence Silicon Valley”, an international open ideas competition that was launched in July 2019 and will conclude in early 2021 with the winning design approved by SJLTC and the San Jose City Council.
With nearly 1000 entries submitted, our design 'The Loop' was shortlisted as one of the 47 recommended designs.

Spectacular view
We designed ‘The Loop’ as a landmark for the city of San José to express the city’s innovative, progressive and creative identity. The strategically positioned ring seems to float over the confluence between Guadalupe river and Los Gatos Creek, perpendicular to the direction of the water and the linear valley. Its two transparent capsules move up along the curves of the circle, elevating you 200 ft for a spectacular overview of entire Silicon Valley, offering a unique experience to the visitors in the park.
Circular and connective
The Loop is a metaphorical new gate at the end of the Guadalupe park, a gem in the green heart of San José. The structural supports that hover over the river banks hold the ring in the air and form a bridge between the two edges of the park. More than a beautiful landmark it creates a connection between two different parts of the city, bringing people together. The structural components can be recycled, pre-fabricated and even designed for future re-use. Contributing to circularity ‘the Loop’ is an exemplary statement of a brighter and cleaner future.