As a part of the Water as Leverage initiative we developed a futureproof plan for the Indian city of Chennai, to improve the resilience of its water system.
With a chain of proposals for implementable projects, we created measures and interventions that should initiate true, transformative change throughout the city of Chennai.
The Water as Leverage initiative is organised by the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Henk Ovink and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
— Because of its location we believe the canal area has the potential to become a blooming part of the city centre
One of the proposals involves the Mambalam canal, one of the few remaining canals in Chennai’s city centre. It is now tucked away between the important Anna Salai and the neighbourhood of T-Nagar, India’s largest shopping district. The canal drains an area with an estimated population of 850.000 inhabitants. Currently, though, this canal is extremely deteriorated, and is considered an unattractive and unsafe place, with serious water supply and water quality problems.
Because of its location we believe the canal area has the potential to become a blooming part of the city centre; connecting neighbourhoods and people in a water-inclusive way, right at the junction of two of the city’s (future) metro lines.
— Walls separate people from the water, and provide a false sense of safety against flooding.
The multiple issues of the Mambalam canal cannot be solved in a segmented or mono-disciplinary way. Only with an integrated masterplan all required elements can be placed at the right place and at the right time, supporting and strengthening each other. The plan is defining what zones are dedicated to social and private developments, to traffic and parking, to public space and green-blue functions.
The project will increase the urban value of the Mambalam area and create an inclusive, attractive and healthy environment for the people of Chennai.
The project name, Muthucharam Mambalam is literally translated as Mambalam’s string of pearls. It stands for creating a system that is beautiful, orderly and connected within.
The project will strengthen the urban connections using three key elements; the canal profile, bridges and urban developments. Together they will increase the value of the Mambalam area and turn what is now the backside of city and society, into a flourishing public space at the front of the inner city; reconnecting the city and its people.
The project has proposed multiple solutions for the issues of the canal, integrated in a design for the canal profile, bridges and urban developments.
Examples are the stepped floodplaines/embankments, opening up the space below existing bridges to allow more water to pass below, introducing waste collection points and water purification in new developments alongside the canal.
The main focus is to mitigate the flooding risk and improve the water quality and cleanliness while creating an attractive public place along the waterside. These interventions are using water as leverage, to improve the image of water and initiate true and transformative change throughout the city of Chennai.