Lounge 1 Schiphol Airport in full swing

Our expansion and renovation project for Lounge 1 is in full swing. In order to further improve the passenger experience at Schiphol we’re adapting passenger routing and expanding facilities such as shops and seating areas. A significant milestone has been reached as we have added part of the existing crew center to the lounge. As of now, passengers can explore this newly opened area, complete with new shops and sanitary facilities.
The entire project is being executed in five phases, and we are working diligently on the next stages to complete the transformation of the lounge. Rest assured, throughout the entire renovation process, Lounge 1 will remain open and fully accessible to travelers.
Read more about Lounge 1
And about Schiphol tomorrow
Partners: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, NACO, Netherlands Airpoirt Consultants, Zenber / IAA Architecten, Royal HaskoningDHV, FPC Risk, Halmos Adviseurs, Bartenbach, Peutz, Mijksenaar.